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Philip Brown

philipbrownMember, Advisory Council

Philip Brown is Managing Director of Risk for Citi Microfinance’s global business. He is the senior credit officer responsible for the development of policies, programs and risk tools to enable Citi’s businesses to commercially engage with the sector. Before moving to Citi Microfinance he was the Risk Manager for Project Finance and Structured Trade Finance within EMEA. Mr. Brown joined Citibank in 1971 and has had a variety of client, product and business management assignments. These span financial institutions, corporate, commercial, investment, and private banking with product roles in cash management and trade. They have included country head; business and staff positions in the United States, Europe, Sri Lanka, Channel Islands; audit and risk review for EMEA; and head of regulatory for Citicorp UK. Mr. Brown is a fellow of the Institute of Financial Services, a member of the Governing Council of the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, and former Chairman of the Strategic Planning Society.

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