Events & Presentations
The Center for Financial Inclusion regularly sponsors events (and panels at industry events) on a variety of financial inclusion topics with the intent to bring participants in the industry together to promote new ideas and to collaborate in tackling industry challenges.
The Center’s professionals also regularly speak at industry conferences on issues such as prospects for financial inclusion, client protection and avoiding overindebtedness, investing in inclusive finance, risk management and governance at microfinance institutions, access to finance for persons with disabilities, energy and microfinance, and more.
For more information on events, please view the listing below.
Leadership Conference on International Disability Rights
May 9-10, 2012
This conference of leaders of key human rights and development organizations, aims to reinforce U.S. leadership in advocating for human rights and the inclusion of persons with disabilities, and to foster increased civil society engagement in promoting international disability rights. The meeting will provide participants with an opportunity to give input as the State Department works to develop an international disability rights policy strategy.
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The Rift Revealed: Mobile Banking and its Implications for Financial Inclusion in Kenya
Tuesday, April 24 at 12 pm
Please join WAM-DCand the Center for Financial Inclusion for a brown bag luncheon discussion with Dr. Susan Johnson. Dr. Johnson will be discussing the rapid take up of mobile money transfer services in Kenya and how this reveals a rift between the formal and informal sectors.
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Responsible Finance Forum 2012
April 23, 2012 - Washington, DC
Elisabeth Rhyne presented an overview of the Smart Campaign's certification program at this forum.
The Third Annual Responsible Finance Forum 2012 focuses on actions to implement responsible finance practices, including voices from financial institutions and partners in the field, and creating a roadmap for collective and institutional action in the financial sector.
Council of Microfinance Equity Funds Meeting
April 18-19, 2012 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
This semi-annual meeting brings together members of CMEF to facilitate conversations and encourage networking. This meeting allows members to discuss experiences, challenges, practices, and trends in the microfinance industry.
The 2012 Harvard Business School-Accion Program on Strategic Leadership for Microfinance
April 9-14, 2012
A high-level strategy and leadership training for those shaping the microfinance industry, including executives of MFIs and mainstream banks, as well as microfinance investors and regulators.