This feature story was orignally published by Annapurna, a CFI partner that has collaborated on our Financial Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities program. Click here for more stories on disability inclusion from India.
Manas Ranjan Sundarai has suffered from polio since childhood, constraining his legs and inhibiting normal movement. Due to his disability, he was unable to do anything substantial apart from his daily routine for many years. He was financially and emotionally dependent on his father and younger brother, who were wage laborers, with a monthly income of a meager 4,000 to 5,000 INR.
Two years ago, he joined Annapurna Microfinance Pvt. Ltd. and received a loan of 30,000 INR under a special category. With his strong willpower to become self-dependent and lead a respectful life, he started a small business of carving. His father helped him in delivering finished idols to the clients. After burning the midnight oil and a consistent effort to overcome his challenges, he repaid his first loan on time and then availed a second loan of 45,000 INR. Along with the growth of his business, he has developed himself into a confident person and earned dignity and respect in society. With his second loan, he has started another small venture of making and delivering cover slab for sewers.
Now, Manas is a small entrepreneur who is creating opportunities for other youngsters. At present four boys of his village are working with him, two among them are polio-affected. Manas says he is “thankful to Annapurna who has given loan to a person with disability, a risky client according to other people.” He is happy that he is leading a dignified and honorable life with no dearth of financial crunch. He says he has it in him to do a lot more in his life through his determination and he expects that Annapurna will support him in his future projects and endeavors.