Road Map for the Microfinance Industry: Focusing on Responsible and Client-Centered Microfinance
By The Microfinance CEO Working Group - Published: 2012
The Microfinance CEO Working Group is a collaborative effort by the CEOs of a number of pioneering microfinance organizations, including Accion, FINCA, Freedom from Hunger, Grameen Foundation USA, Opportunity International, Pro Mujer, VisionFund International, and Women’s World Banking. The Center for Financial Inclusion currently serves as secretariat for the Working Group.
The Road Map outlines the Working Group members’ vision for the positive evolution of the microfinance field and underscores their commitment to raising industry standards, starting with their own. Central to this vision is the Working Group’s support for three initiatives that are laying the groundwork for a more responsible, client-focused and transformative industry: the Smart Campaign, MicroFinance Transparency, and the Social Performance Task Force’s universal standards for social performance management.