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Laura Galindo

GalindoLauraSenior Associate, The Smart Campaign

Ms. Galindo supports the Smart Campaign in a range of activities that work to enhance and implement improved client protection practices in the microfinance industry in Latin America and the Caribbean. She plays a key role in liaising with networks, consultants, and microfinance institution staff in the region, and supports assessments and trainings being conducted in Latin America. She is an active member of the Client Voice Task Force and has taken the lead on developing a new Client Protection Client Education Resource Library for the Smart Campaign. Ms. Galindo is also responsible for collecting and aggregating data from in-depth, third-party and self client protection assessments from Latin America, Africa, India, and Eastern Europe. Prior to joining the Center, she worked at the Washington Office on Latin America and at the Hudson Institute.

Ms. Galindo holds a bachelor’s degree in International Affairs and Political Science from Universidad Externado de Colombia and has conducted additional studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution and Global Economics Trade at American University in Washington, D.C.

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