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Sponsors & Partners

Accion – Accion, an international non-profit, houses the Center for Financial Inclusion. Accion is dedicated to creating economic opportunity by providing financial tools and services to those who need them. 

Calmeadow Microfinance – Calmeadow is a microfinance organization that supports innovative ideas that bring financial services to low-income clients and microentrepreneurs. Calmeadow manages capital for the investment in microfinance institutions, specifically in Latin America and Africa. 

Citi Foundation – Citi Foundation supports the financial inclusion of all people and works with a variety of partners on several core areas, including financial capability and asset building, microfinance, enterprise development, and youth livelihoods. 

Credit Suisse – Through their Microfinance Capacity Building Initiative, Credit Suisse works with partner organizations to stregthen microfinance institutions as an effort to advance financial inclusion. 

The Ford Foundation – The Ford Foundation works to empower people and bring social change by supporting organizations that are working on the ground to address key societal problems.

International Finance Corporation – The IFC focuses on the private sector in developing countries to assist in providing opportunities for people to improve their lives and escape poverty. 

Inter-American Development Bank – IADB supports Latin America and Caribbean countries in their efforts to promote sustainable development, advance accountability, and reduce poverty.

KfW Bankengruppe – KfW, located in Germany, makes investments to support SMEs to ensure a strong economy and to build social infrastructure throughout German and Europe. 

MasterCard – MasterCard believes all people should have an opportunity to participate in the global economy. MasterCard's payment innovations, and philanthropic and consumer education programs bring the benefit of finance to the unbanked and underbanked, helping them build a stronger future for themselves, their families and their communities.

The MasterCard Foundation – Based in Toronto, Canada, the MasterCard Foundation supports and advances financial inclusion through the promotion of microfinance and youth education in developing countries.

New York Stock Exchange – NYSE directs resources to innovative organizations that meet needs within three major program areas: Financial Literacy Education, Developing Economic Opportunity, and Entrepreneurship. 

Oikocredit – Oikocredit supports, through private funding, microfinance institutions around the world to enable and encourage the disbursement of loans to poor and disadvantaged populations.

U.S. Agency for International Development – Along with advancing the United States' foreign policy interests, USAID provides assistance to countries to reduce poverty and improve the lives of those in developing nations. 

Visa – Visa helps create greater access to electronic payments and related services so more people can benefit from financial inclusion. Visa also ensures those using financial products can do so responsibly and with confidence through its leading financial literacy efforts across the globe.

Western Union - The Foundation provides direct grants to NGO programs around the world that connect families with economic opportunity. It supports education - including job training, life skills and language acquisition - as well as financial literacy and small business development programs.