Tuesday, April 24 at 12 pm
Please join WAM-DCand the Center for Financial Inclusion for a brown bag luncheon discussion with Dr. Susan Johnson. Dr. Johnson will be discussing the rapid take up of mobile money transfer services in Kenya and how this reveals a rift between the formal and informal sectors.
Event Description:
The rapid take up of mobile money transfer services in Kenya has ignited enthusiasm globally about the potential for financial service delivery based on the platform of mobile phone technology. On the basis of a research project looking across the financial landscape, Dr. Susan Johnson, University of Bath, argues that this rapid take up can be understood as evidence of the extensive inter-personal transactions that Kenyans undertake and that, rather than revealing the potential for the development of formal sector services, it reveals the rift between the formal and informal sectors. Seen in this way she discusses the challenges that formal services face in the search for financial inclusion.
Please find a link to the accompanying report, commissioned by Financial Sector Deepening Kenya, here.
Tuesday, April 24 at 12 pm
The Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion
1401 New York Ave NW # 500
Washington, DC 20005
RSVP to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , space is limited.