Events & Presentations
The Center for Financial Inclusion regularly sponsors events (and panels at industry events) on a variety of financial inclusion topics with the intent to bring participants in the industry together to promote new ideas and to collaborate in tackling industry challenges.
The Center’s professionals also regularly speak at industry conferences on issues such as prospects for financial inclusion, client protection and avoiding overindebtedness, investing in inclusive finance, risk management and governance at microfinance institutions, access to finance for persons with disabilities, energy and microfinance, and more.
For more information on events, please view the listing below.
Raising the Bar in Microfinance Risk Management
November 13, 2013, Luxembourg
As part of the 2013 European Microfinance Week (EMW), on Wednesday November 13 will be a panel on risk management in microfinance, "Raising the Bar in Microfinance: Evaluating the Past and Creating New Visions For the Future." The panel will be moderated by Kevin Fryatt of MFX Solutions, with speakers Marnix Mulder of Triple Jump, Ligia Castro-Monge, microfinance and risk consultant, and Lynn Exton, global risk consultant and SEEP Network board member. For more information on the 2013 EMW, click here.
Global Microscope on Microfinance Presentation
October 30, 2013, London, U.K.
Following the FI2020 Global Forum in London will be a presentation on the Global Microscope on Microfinance, led by Deborah Drake. The Global Microscope is a report that benchmarks the regulatory and operating conditions for microfinance in developing countries globally.
CMEF Meeting
October 28, 2013, London, U.K.
The next semi-annual Council of Microfinance Equity Funds (CMEF) meeting will be held October 28 in London. The Council, of which CFI is the secretariat, brings together its membership in-person every 6-9 months to facilitate conversations on current challenges, trends, practices, and standards, providing an opportunity for fund managers to share experiences, learn from each other, and network in an informal, intimate setting. CMEF is the first membership organization to bring together the leading private entities that make equity investments in microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the developing world.
Governance Leadership in a Competitive World
October 3-5, 2013, Mexico City, Mexico
Hosted by the Center for Financial Inclusion, Calmeadow, and the Boulder Institute, Governance Leadership in a Competitive World is the first of an ongoing seminar series. The seminar will engage board members and CEOs in an active dialogue about the challenges they face in governance and risk, and their roles and responsibilities in setting and monitoring the MFI’s mission and strategy. Across two and a half days, the seminar will provide participants with the opportunity to interact with other players within their geographical context and facilitate greater understanding of the industry trends and regional challenges. A flyer on the seminar is available for download, in English here and in Spanish here. As is the seminar program, in English here and in Spanish here. Click here for the seminar website, where you can request an invitation to attend the event.
September 30 - October 2, 2013, Guadalajara, Mexico
Now the 16th Foromic, this year’s forum, with a theme of The Productivity Challenge: Financing Dynamic Entrepreneurship, will be held over three days in Guadalajara. Organized by The Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), member of the IDB Group, the event is expected to host approximately 1,500 participants. Topics include innovation in products and services for financial inclusion and savings, financing and financial education for youth, and developing and promoting MSMEs through innovative models. Alongside Formic will be “Foritos” side events, including a Corporate Governance in Microfinance workshop wherein Deborah Drake will have a speaking role.