Events & Presentations
The Center for Financial Inclusion regularly sponsors events (and panels at industry events) on a variety of financial inclusion topics with the intent to bring participants in the industry together to promote new ideas and to collaborate in tackling industry challenges.
The Center’s professionals also regularly speak at industry conferences on issues such as prospects for financial inclusion, client protection and avoiding overindebtedness, investing in inclusive finance, risk management and governance at microfinance institutions, access to finance for persons with disabilities, energy and microfinance, and more.
For more information on events, please view the listing below.
VI Conferencia Centroamericana y del Caribe de Microfinanzas
September 5-7, 2012, Panama City, Panama
Sergio Guzman will present on the Smart Campaign at the 6th Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Conference for REDCAMIF. The conference seeks to examine the alignment of strategies, programs, and goals to the social mission of microfinance, proposing a new approach that promotes access to financial services for economic growth with social impact and empowerment of women.
IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Bancarizacion y Microfinanzas
August 30-31, 2012, Bogota, Colombia
Sergio Guzman will speak on the protection of customer data in a panel on user protection in financial services. This year’s conference focuses on the theme of catalyzing comprehensive financial inclusion, and is organized by Felaban.
Market Outlook 2012: Perspectives of Microfinance Association Leaders
July 19, 2012, New York, NY
Center staff will participate in a panel discussion of the SEEP Network’s recently released Market Outlook 2012: Perspectives of Microfinance Association Leaders report, which provides insights of leaders of microfinance associations in 36 markets around the world. The panel will address the market changes, trends, risks, and priorities identified in the report. For more information, please click here.
Boulder Microfinance Course
July 16 to August 3, 2012, Turin, Italy
Center staff will be teaching courses on Transformation and Governance (EN), and Responsible Finance (FR), at the 18th annual Boulder Microfinance Course in Turin, Italy. Participants in the Boulder Microfinance Training Program are professionals interested in developing management skills, strengthening their analytical skills, and building relationships that will allow them to confront the sector’s most critical challenges and further the microfinance industry. For more information, please visit the program’s website, here.
Microinsurance Network Annual Meeting
June 21, 2012 - Frankfurt, Germany
Smart Campaign staff will attend the Microinsurance Network Annual Meeting to discuss the development and promotion of financial services and client protection in the microfinance industry.