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Recent FI2020 Publications

FI2020 Progress Report

(October 2015) In the FI2020 Progress Report, we present our assessment of progress toward global financial inclusion through the lens of five topics: Addressing Customer Needs, Client Protection, Credit Reporting & Data, Financial Capability, and Technology. The report provides a qualitative and interactive assessment of who is doing what, celebrating the most significant accomplishments, and highlighting the gaps that constitute the agenda for the coming years. We’ve started each topic of conversation with a scorecard between 0 and 10. We invite you to use the interactive feature on the website to cast your own vote and compare your scores to ours.

FI2020 E-Zine: Three Essential Debates

(August 2015) Will microfinance continue to be relevant in 2020 and beyond? Should regulators or the industry lead on client protection? Will data analytics replace traditional credit reporting systems? A new Financial inclusion 2020 e-magazine explores these three essential questions debate-style, tapping industry leaders from around the world to weigh in with their perspectives.

By the Numbers: Benchmarking Progress Toward Financial Inclusion 

(June 2015) CFI’s quantitative review of the current status of financial inclusion globally, which relies on the two Findex datasets supplemented by data from the EIU Global Microscope 2014, UN, World Development Indicators, IMF, Alliance for Financial Inclusion, and the GSMA State of the Industry.

Aging and Financial Inclusion: An Opportunity (PDF)

(January 2015) Written in partnership with HelpAge International, this report examines the unmet financial needs of the rapidly growing global aging population, particularly in the developing world. The purpose of this report is to highlight the barriers and opportunities related to financial services in older age and throughout the aging process, a relatively neglected area of study.

FI2020 Roundup 2014 E-Zine

(November 2014) One year since Financial Inclusion 2020 Global Forum, CFI is taking this moment to review how the drive for financial inclusion is faring. With this e-zine we bring you highlights of the past 12 months from around the financial inclusion world – new ventures, milestones, and ongoing debates. Inside, you’ll find a snapshot of progress in each of our five “Roadmap to Inclusion” areas, from technology-enabled business models to consumer protection.


Global Forum Attendees

Here are a few of the people who have registered to attend the Global Forum:


Wendy Abt, President, WPA

Selorm Adadevoh, Head of Mobile Financial Services, Tigo, Millicom

Timothy Adams, President and CEO, Institute of International Finance

Anil Aggarwal, Founder and Chairman, Money2020

Simran Aggarwal, President, Money2020

Smita Aggarwal, Programme Director, CAFRAL, Reserve Bank of India

Hasib Ahmed, Principal Investment Specialist, Asian Development Bank

Syed Mohsin Ahmed, CEO, Pakistan Microfinance Network

Shamshad Akhtar, Secretary-General's Senior Adviser on Economic Development and Finance and Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations

David Alvarez, Independent Consultant, Center for Financial Inclusion

Juliana Alvarez, Director, Banca de las Oportunidades

Eugene Amusin, SVP, Citi Microfinance

Bindu Ananth, President, IFMR Trust

Thea Anderson, Senior Director, Financial Inclusion, Mercy Corps

Radhika Angara, Chief Marketing Officer, Fastacash

Bob Annibale, Global Head, Citi Microfinance & Community Development, Citi Microfinance

Rosella Aquende-Cabanero, Executive Assistant, Commission on Filipino Overseas

Shankar Arora, Senior Vice President, Citi Microfinance

Gilberto Arredondo, Chief Commercial Officer, Fastacash

Thankom Arun, Professor, University of Central Lancashire

Isaac Awuondo, Managing Director, Commercial Bank of Africa

Qazi Azmat Isa, Chief Executive Officer, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

Hemant Baijal, Senior Business Leader, Vice President, MasterCard Worldwide

Ajay Banga, President and CEO Mastercard Worldwide, Mastercard Worldwide

Rachael Barber, Head of Community Development, EMEA, Citigroup

Tanya Barron, Chief Executive, Plan UK

Daniela Bas, Director, Division for Social Policy and Development, UN-DESA, United Nations

Ranajoy Basu, Associate, Reed Smith

Sibel Beadle, Senior Banker, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Rose Beaumont, Senior Vice President/Group Head Communications Europe, MasterCard

Benjamin Bell, Acting Head of Public Affairs, Wonga

Elizabeth Berthe, Senior Director Financial Social Innovations, Mercy Corps

Talya Bosch, Vice President, Social Ventures, Western Union

Monica Brand, Principal Director, Frontier Investments Group, Accion

Ed Brandt, General Manager, EVP, Government Services & Solutions, MasterCard Worldwide

Laura Breitenbach, Consultant, McGraw Hill Financial

Paul Breloff, Managing Director, Venture Lab, Accion

Titus Brenninkmeijer, President, Solgenix LLC

Philip Brown, Global Head, Risk Citi Microfinance, Citi

Scott Brown, President and CEO, VisionFund International

Till Bruett, Programme Manager, UN Capital Development Fund

Greta Bull, Regional Business Leader, IFC

Kennedy Bungane, CEO, Barclays Africa

Amy Butte, Independent Trustee, Fidelity Investments Strategice Advisers Funds and Board Member, Accion

Flavia Bwire, Financial Inclusion Officer, Association of Microfinance institutions of Uganda

Amy Capman, Executive Director, Harvard Kennedy School

Olav Carlsen, CFO, Tiaxa

Thomas Carroll, Program Director, Initiative for Smallholder Finance, Global Development Incubator

Carol Caruso, Senior Vice President of Technology and Channels, Accion

Yerom Castro Fritz, Director of Financial Inclusion and Internal Controls, Grupo Gentera, Compartamos Banco

Maneesha Chadha, Head - Corporate Citizenship at Citibank India, Citi

Marjolaine Chaintreau, Vice President, Citi Microfinance

Craig Chelius, Executive Director, Mifos Initiative

Susy Cheston, Senior Advisor for the Center for Financial Inclusion, Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion

Bhagwan Chowdhry, Professor of Finance, UCLA Anderson School, Financial Access at Birth (FAB)

Craig Churchill, Chief, Social Finance Programme, International Labour Organization

Brian Clancy, Chairman, Advisory Council, Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion

Monique Cohen, Founder and Past President, Microfinance Opportunities

Paulette Cohen, Vice President Head of Global Programmes, Barclays

Brandie Conforti, Vice President and Program Manager for Institutional Partnerships, Accion

Michael Corbat, CEO, Citigroup

Arjuna Costa, Investment Partner, Omidyar Network

Alex Counts, President & CEO, Grameen Foundation USA

Solano Cozzo, Head Prepaid Cards LAC, MasterCard 

Yolanda Cue-Lopez, Deputy Director General (Institutional Banking), BANCO DEl AHORRO NACIONAL SERVICIOS FINANCIEROS (BANSEFI)

Payal Dalal, Head, Education and Girls Program, Standard Chartered Bank

Carolina Danspeckgruber, Account Director, Brunswick Group

Gabriel Davel, Project Manager, Davel & Associates

Gareth Davies, Manager, Global Food Security Agenda, Syngenta

Pina D'Intino, Senior Manager, Enabling Solutions & Support Management, Scotiabank/G3-ICT

Sharon D'Onofrio, Executive Director, SEEP Network

Thomas DeLuca, Managing Director, Advanced Merchant Payments Ltd.

Leah Dembitzer, Consultant, Maxwell Stamp

William Derban, Director, Financial Inclusion, CSR & PMO, Fidelity Bank Ghana Bank Limited

Seema Desai, MMU Director, GSMA

Rani Deshpande,  Director, YouthSave Project

Patricia Devereux, SVP Corporate Philanthropy, Mastercard Worldwide

Marin De Viry, Development Director, Planet Finance

Dennis DiDonna, COO, Co-Founder, (EFL) Entrepreneurial Finance Lab

Lisa Donegan, Associate Director, Financial Services Industry, World Economic Forum

Deborah Drake, Vice President, Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion

James Dray, Associate, Brunswick Group

Renae Dyer, Digital Look

Sebastian Echeverria, Head Public-Private Cooperation Division, Ministry of Social Development, Government of Chile

Edward Effah, Managing Director, Fidelity Bank Ghana Limited

Tilman Ehrbeck, Chief Executive Officer, CGAP

Katherine Ellis, Director, Youth Affairs, The Commonwealth Secretariat

Dirk Elsen, Director Emerging Markets, Tridos Investment Management

Innocent Ephraim, Product Manager, M-PESA, Vodacom

Elvia Espinosa, Director, Commercial Banking, Bansefi

Ngozi Eze, Country Director, Nigeria, Women for Women International

Veronique Faber, Executive Director, Microinsurance Network

Russell Faucett, Managing Partner, Barrington Partners

Gemma Ferst, Senior Officer, Technical Assistance Management, Finance in Motion GmbH

Julia Fioretti, Correspondent, Reuters

Alexandra Fiorillo, Vice President, ideas42

J Kevin Fisher, President, Dartmouth Research & Consulting

Pamela Flaherty, President & CEO, Citi Foundation

Edward Fox, Chief Executive, Opportunity International

Eileen Gabriele, Managing Partner, Gabriele Group

Bill Gajda, Global Head of Strategic Partnerships, Visa, Inc.

Luis Gallegos, Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations Office of Geneva, United Nations Office of Geneva

Grzegorz Galusek, Executive Director, Microfinance Centre (MFC)

Beatriz Garcia, Director, Brunswick

Anthony Goland, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

Emilie Goodall, Head of Implementation Support, PRI/Principles for Investors in Inclusive Finance

Duncan Goldie-Scot, Director, Musoni Kenya Ltd

Josh Goldstein, Principal Director for Economic Citizenship & Disability Inclusion, Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion

Peter Goldstein, Director, Financial Inclusion Insights Program, InterMedia

David Grace, Managing Partner, David Grace & Associates

Oscar Graham, General Director of the Financial Markets and Provisional Funds Division, Minstry of Finance and Economics, Peru

Jonathan Hakim, CEO, Cignifi Inc.

Stephanie Hanson, Director of Policy and Outreach, One Acre Fund

Gina Harman, CEO, Accion U.S. Network

Njideka Harry, President & CEO, Youth for Technology Foundation (YTF)

Anne Hastings, Manager of the Microfinance CEO Working Group

Thor Hauge, VP Business Development, WU Digital, Western Union

Masami Hayashi, Director, MicroFinance Network

Lucy Hayter, ‎Director, Enterprise Development Programme, Cherie Blair Foundation for Women

Brigit Helms, Chief of Party, SPEED Program in Mozambique, DAI

Laura Hemrika, Head of Impact and Microfinance Capacity Building, Credit Suisse

Lauren Hendricks, Executive Director, Access Africa, CARE

Dylan Higgins, CEO, Kopo Kopo

Julie Hindmarsh, Board Member, Women's Opportunity Network

Eli Hini, Mobile Money Commercial Senior Manager, MTN Ghana

Martin Hintz, Head of Microinsurance, Allianz SE

Richard Hinz, Program Manager, Russia Financial Literacy and Education Trust Fund, The World Bank

Steve Hollingworth, President, Freedom from Hunger

Mark Hookey, CEO, DemystData

Nick Hughes, M-PESA creator, Founder and Director of Strategy, M-KOPA

Ron Hynes, Group Executive, Global Prepaid Solutions, MasterCard Worldwide

Fahmila Imam, Chief of Finance, Investments and Risk Management, Vitas Group/Global Communities

Pial Islam, Managing Partner, pi Strategy Consulting

Akiko Ito, Chief, Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, United Nations

Amit Jain, Principal, MasterCard Worldwide

Danny Jatania, Chairman and CEO, Pockit

Fernando Jiménez-Ontiveros, Operations Deputy Manager, Multilateral Investment Fund/Inter-American Development Bank

Susan Johnson, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath

Coenraad Jonker, CEO, TYME

Sal Karakaplan, Vice President, MasterCard Worldwide

Tom Keatinge, Researcher/Consultant, Independent

Stephen Kehoe, Head of Corporate Relations - APCEMEA, Visa Inc.

Tom Keleher, Deputy Manager - Equity Investments, Oikocredit

Elizabeth Kellison, Deputy Director, Strategy, Planning and Management, FSP, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Gregory Keough, CEO, Mobile Financial Services (MFS)

Tanaya Kilara, Financial Sector Analyst, CGAP

Ben Knelman, CEO/Founder, Juntos Finanzas

Gary Kochubka, Managing Director, Standard & Poor's / McGraw-Hill Financial

Kurt Koenigsfest, CEO, BancoSol

Michael Koenitzer, Head of Project Management, World Economic Forum

Nish Kotecha, Founder, Geosansar

Andrew Kuper, President and Founder, LeapFrog Investments

Brian Kuwik, Senior Vice President & Regional Head, Africa, Accion

Olivier LaFourcade, Chairman, Investitures & Partners

Jason Lamb, Deputy Director, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Michal Langton, Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement, Barclays

Maria Largey, Microfinance Investment Manager, CDC Group

Alexia Latortue, Deputy Assistant Secretary Development Finance & Debt, Department of Treasury

Alexandre Lazarow, Associate, Investments, Omidyar Network

Axel Leblois, President and Executive Director, G3ict

Joanna Ledgerwood, Director, Financial Sector Deepening Project, Zambia, DAI

SungAh Lee, Director, Alliance for Financial Inclusion

Richard Leftley, CEO, MicroEnsure

Marten Leijon, Chief Executive Officer, Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX)

Russell Leith, Director, Acacia Consulting Limited

Andrea Levere, President, CFED

Anne Leymat, Livelihood Technical Advisor, Handicap International

Nicolette Lim, VP-Operations, 1st Valley Bank, Philippines

Ulf Linders, MD, NMI AS

Clara Lipson, Founder & Chief Executive,

Susie Lonie, Mobile Money Consulting Director, Consult Hyperion/SJLCS

Carlos Lopez-Moctezuma, Global Director for Financial Inclusion, BBVA Group

Michel Losembe, CEO, Banque Internationale pour l'Afrique au Congo (BIAC)

John Lwande, MD/CEO, Akiba Commercial Bank

Antony Lythgoe, Head, Financial Infrastructure, A2F Advisory Services, IFC

Bruce MacDonald, SVP, Communications, Accion

Graham Macmillan, Senior Program Officer, Citi Foundation

Justin MacMullian, Head of Campaigns, Consumers International

Nandika Madgavkar, Director Corporate Citizenship, MetLife

Brett Magrath, COO, Zoona

Paul Makin, Head of Mobile Money, Consult Hyperion

Elmer Malolos, Managing Director, Cignifi

Veena Mankar, Managing Director, Swadhaar

Jean-Claude Masangu Mulongo, Former Governor, Banque Centrale du Congo

Maude Massu, Senior Microfinance Advisor, CARE International UK

Michal Matul, Senior Research Officer, ILO's Microinsurance Innovation Facility

Henry Paul Mbaguta, Assistant Comissioner for Microfinance, Ministry of Finance of Uganda

Michael McCord, President, MicroInsurance Centre

Kate McKee, Senior Advisor, CGAP

Leslie Meek-Wohl, Vice President, MasterCard Worldwide

Robert Meloche, Corporate Responsibility, Visa Inc

Sam Mendelson, Development Fellow, CSFI

Eppu Mikkonen-Jeanneret, Head of Policy, HelpAge International

Ann Miles, Director Financial Inclusion, The MasterCard Foundation

Henry Miller, Chief Operating Officer, Goodman Media International

Abrar Mir, EVP & Group Head, Branchless Banking & e Banking, United Bank Limited

Daniel Monehin, Division President, Sub Sahara Africa, MasterCard Worldwide

Jonathan Morduch, Professor, New York University

Yves Moury, CEO, Fundación Capital

Sendhil Mullainathan, Professor of Economics, Harvard University

Inez Murray, Chief Executive Officer, Global Banking Alliance for Women

Amita Nagaraja, Director, Strategic Giving and Community Engagement, McGraw Hill Financial

Frank Nagel, Head of Banking Advisory, Rabo Development

Stefan Nalletamby, "Making Finance Work for Africa" Partnership Coordinator, African Development Bank

Mark Napier, Director, FSD Africa

Asad Naqvi, Principal, Wolfensohn Fund Management

Ashok Narain, Reserve Bank of India

Tara Nathan, Executive Director, Public Private Partnerships, MasterCard Worldwide

Anant Nautiyal, Mobile Programme Director, Cherie Blair Foundation for Women

Sergio Navajas, Senior Specialist, Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group

Camilla Nestor, Vice President, Grameen Foundation

Imelda Nicolas, Chairperson, Commission on Filippinos Overseas

Christine Nixon, Chair, Good Shepherd Microfinance Australia and New Zealand, and Chief Comissioner, Victoria Police, Australia

Timothy Nourse, President, Making Cents International

Timothy Ogden, Managing Director, Financial Access Initiative

Elly Ohene-Adu, Director, Bank of Ghana

Omokehinde Ojomuyide, Country Manager, West Africa, MasterCard

Fernando De Olloqui, Financial Markets Lead Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank

Gwynne Oosterbaan, Director, Brunswick Group

Eddie O'Reilly, Consumer Protection Department, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency

Angelica Ortiz de Haas, Manager, Sustainability FMO (the Netherlands Development Finance Company)

Josephine Osikena, Director, The Foreign Policy Centre

Safiye Ozuygun, Microfinance Business Director, Citi Microfinance

Martyn Parker, Chairman, Global Partnerships, Swiss Re

Sital Patel, Reporter, MarketWatch

Swati Patel, Senior Vice President, Citizenship, Citi EMEA, Citi

Francis Pelekamoyo, Chairman, Opportunity International Network

Rosario Perez, President and CEO, Pro Mujer

Irene Philippi, Resident Advisor, Banking and Financial Services, Office of Technical Assistance, U.S. Department of Treasury

Gino Picasso, CEO, GloboKas

Jan Piercy, Senior Advisor, Enclude

Douglas Pond, Executive Vice President, Mambu

Beth Porter, Policy Advisor, United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)

David Porteous, Managing Director, Bankable Frontier Associates

Andrew Pospielovsky, Consultant

Gus Poston, Founding Principal, Bridge Philippines

Jaideep Prabhu, Professor of Marketing, University of Cambridge

Alok Prasad, Chief Executive Officer, Microfinance Institutions Network, India

Iqbal Quadir, Director, MIT Legatum Center

Kamal Quadir, CEO, bKash

Jerry Quigley, Senior VP - Private Sector Development, MEDA

Rafia Qureshi, Vice President, J.P. Morgan

Ian Radcliffe, Director at WSBI-ESBG, World Savings Banks Intitute - European Savings Banks Group

Ida Rademacher, Chief Program Officer, Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED)

Faisel Rahman, Managing Director, Fair Finance

Juana Ramirez, Project Officer Research and Development, ADA

Glynis Rankin, CEO, Creative Metier

Donella Rapier, Chief Development and Administrative Officer, Accion

Jody Rasch, Senior Vice President, Moody's Analytics

Louise Raymond, Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, McGraw Hill Financial

Larry Reed, Director, Microfinance Summit Campaign

Beth Rhyne, Managing Director of the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion

Robyn Robertson, Senior Technical Advisor, Financial Education, Microfinance Opportunities (MFO)

Mamta Rodrigues, Senior Business Leader, Visa

Clifford Rosenthal, Assistant Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Jonathan Rosenthal, International Banking Editor, The Economist

David Roskin, SVP, Corporate Communications, Citi

Jim Roth, Co-founder and Partner, LeapFrog Investments

Daniel Rozas, Sr. Microfinance Expert, European Microfinance Playform (e-MFP)

Ravi Ruparel, Senior Advisor, FSD Kenya

Dimple Sanghi, Director, Investments, Omidyar Network India Advisors Pvt.Ltd.

Beniamino Savonitto, Project Director, Financial Capability Research Fund, Innovations for Poverty Action

Michael Schlein, President & CEO, Accion

Rachel Schneider, SVP, Insights & Analytics, Center for Financial Services Innovation

Rupert Scofield, President and CEO, FINCA International

John Scott, Retired Corporate Vice President, CPC International

Arnaud Servais, Executive Director, ADA

Amiya Kumar Sharma, Chairperson, RGVN

Vipin Sharma, CEO, Access Development Services

William Sheedy, Global Executive, Corporate Strategy, M&A, Government Relations and Europe, Visa, Inc.

Prateek Shrivastava, Managing Director, Accendo Associates Ltd

Alex Silva, General Manager, Omtrix International

David Simms, Network Board Chair, Opportunity International

Abhishek Sinha, Co-founder & CEO, Eko India Financial Services Private Limited

Shashi Ranjan Sinha, Founder, Saija Finance Private Limited

Christian Sinobas, CEO, KiWi

Alex Smith, Columnist, Reuters

Narda Sotomayor, Head of the Department of Analysis of Microfinance Institutions, Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP de Peru

Jackie Spencer, Pension and Retirement Strategy Manager, Money Advice Service

John Staley, Director of Mobile Banking and Payment Innovations, Equity Bank

Evelyn Stark, Assistant Vice President, Financial Inclusion Lead at MetLife Foundation

Peer Stein, Director, International Finance Corporation

Erin Steinhauer, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Asia Pacific, Central Europe, Middle East and Africa, Visa Worldwide Pte Limited

Anne Stetson, FXB Center for Health and Human Rights

Jeff Stewart, CEO & Co-Founder, Lenddo

Andrea Stiles, Director, AVAL Consulting

Bram Stoffele, Partnerships & Certification Manager, Child & Youth Finance International

Guy Stuart, Executive Director, Microfinance Opportunities

Duvvuri Subbarao,Former Governor, Reserve Bank of India

Piyush Tantia, Executive Director, ideas42

Gaiv Tata, Director, Financial Inclusion Global Practice, The World Bank

Clare Tawney, Editorial Manager, Practical Action Publishing

Diana Taylor, Managing Director, Wolfensohn & Co.

Jeff Terry, Vice President, External Affairs, Grameen Foundation

Jasmine Thomas, Program Officer, Citi Foundation

Kadambelil Paul Thomas, Chairman & Managing Director, ESAF Microfinance & Investments

Paul Tregidgo, Managing Director, Credit Suisse

Nina Trentmann, UK Business Correspondent, DIF Welt

Jutta Treviranus, Director and Professor, Inclusive Design Institute, OCAD University

Nancy Truitt, President, Truitt Enterprises, Inc.

Lan Tu, General Manager & Vice President, American Express Advanced Services Limited

Michael Turner, President & CEO, Political and Economic Research Council (PERC)

Konrad Valladares, Coordinator of Financial Inclusion and Education Programs, Center of Financial Studies - Banking Association of Peru (ASBANC)

Frederic Jan van den Bosch, Manager Micro & Small Enterprise Finance, FMO - Netherlands Development Bank

Hidde Van der Veer, Executive Director, Aflatoun Child Savings International

Bradley Van Leeuwen, Associate, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Alvaro Vanegas, Director General, FOGA Coop

Robin Varghese, Senior Fellow and VP of International Operations, PERC

Liam Vaughn, Finance Reporter, Bloomberg

Walther Reategui Vela, General Manager, Banco Agropecuario (Agrobanco)

Angelito Villanueva, Head, e-Money Innovation, Ecosystem Development & Global Engagement, Smart e-Money, Inc.

Elio Vitucci, CEO, Experian Micro Analytics

Kaspar Wansleben, Executive Director, Luxembourg Microfinance and Development Fund

Peter Ware, SWIFT Institute

Kimberly Wattrick, Investment Officer, Omidyar-Tufts Microfinance Fund

Jonathan Weiner, Business Development, Google

Kathleen Welvers, Advisor, GIZ

Ope Wemi-Jones, Group Head, Inclusive Banking, Access Bank

Dennis White, President and CEO, MetLife Foundation

Mario Wilhelm, Microinsurance Specialist, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.

Betty Wilkinson, Director, Public Management, Finance, and Trade, Central and West Asia Department at Asian Development Bank

Nelun Wijeyeratne, Financial Inclusion Specialist

Sian Williams, Head of Financial Inclusion, Toynbee Hall

Tine Wollebekk, SVP & Head of Financial Services, Telenor Digital

Chen Wong, Manager, Banking on Change, Global Community Investment, Barclays

Hyung-Gon Paul Yoo, Chief Commercial Officer, Mistral Mobile

Ed Wu, Director -- China, PlaNet Finance

Mariela Zaldivar, Manager of Products and Client Services, Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP de Peru

Anna Zelentsova, Co-Chair, the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Nicole Zimmermann, Vice President, Western Union

Attendance at the FI2020 Global Forum is by invitation only and invitations are not transferable. For questions about nominating yourself or a colleague, please contact Adriana Magdas, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .